Basic usage


using Pkg

If for some reason, the package is not available within the Julia Pkg ecosystem, you can install it from Github

using Pkg"")

Throughout the rest of the tutorial we will assume that you have installed the Stonks.jl package and have already typed using Stonks which loads the package.

Client setup

For retrieving data from the web, you'll need an instance of Stonks.APIClient, which holds all relevant information for requesting the data. There are currently two data providers supported:

For any provider, you need to sign up on the website and obtain a token. Then, you can load a client using one of the following functions.

client = YahooClient("<my_token>")
# or client = AlphavantageJSONClient("<my_token>")

Client resolution fron ENV variables

You can omit the client parameter in all functions IF you set one of the environment variables:

  • For Alphavantage: ALPHAVANTAGE_TOKEN => will build an APIClient using AlphavantageJSONClient
  • For Yahoo Finance: YAHOOFINANCE_TOKEN => will build an APIClient using YahooClient

In your terminal, type:


API Summary

Type Function Description Clients
Alphavantage Yahoo Finance
AssetInfo get_info Basic stock information
AssetPrice get_price Historical price time series
ExchangeRate get_exchange_rate Historical exchange rate time series
IncomeStatement get_income_statement Historical income statement
BalanceSheet get_balance_sheet Historical balance sheet data
CashflowStatement get_cashflow_statement Historical cashflow statement data
Earnings get_earnings Historical earnings per share (EPS) data
EarningsCalendar get_earnings_calendar

Get price time series

using Dates

# Create a  client
client = YahooClient("<api_key>") # or AlphavantageJSONClient(<api_key>)
julia> ref_date = Date("2022-02-18") # just for reproducible results, you can omit it

# 'to' can be ommited, defaults to current day.
julia> get_price("AAPL", client; from=ref_date-Day(1), to=ref_date)
# 2-element Vector{AssetPrice}:
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-18"), 167.3, 169.82, 170.5413, 166.19, missing, 82772674)
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-17"), 168.88, 171.03, 171.91, 168.47, missing, 69589344)
 # you can omit the client if you have the correct environment variables set
julia> length(ENV["ALPHAVANTAGE_TOKEN"]) # ENV["YAHOOFINANCE_TOKEN"] works as well
julia> prices = get_price(["AAPL", "MSFT"]; from=ref_date-Day(2), to=ref_date) 
# 6-element Vector{AssetPrice}:
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-18"), 167.3, 169.82, 170.5413, 166.19, missing, 82772674)
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-17"), 168.88, 171.03, 171.91, 168.47, missing, 69589344)
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-16"), 172.55, 171.85, 173.34, 170.05, missing, 61177398)
 AssetPrice("MSFT", Date("2022-02-18"), 287.93, 293.05, 293.86, 286.305, missing, 34264008)
 AssetPrice("MSFT", Date("2022-02-17"), 290.73, 296.36, 296.8, 290.0, missing, 32461580)
 AssetPrice("MSFT", Date("2022-02-16"), 299.5, 298.365, 300.87, 293.68, missing, 29982121)
# you can query each symbol with different time intervals
julia> prices = get_price([
  ("AAPL", Date("2022-02-15"), Date("2022-02-16")),
  ("MSFT", Date("2022-02-14"), Date("2022-02-15")),
# 4-element Vector{AssetPrice}:
 AssetPrice("MSFT", Date("2022-02-15"), 300.47, 300.008, 300.8, 297.02, missing, 27379488)
 AssetPrice("MSFT", Date("2022-02-14"), 295.0, 293.77, 296.76, 291.35, missing, 36359487)
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-16"), 172.55, 171.85, 173.34, 170.05, missing, 61177398)
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-15"), 172.79, 170.97, 172.95, 170.25, missing, 64286320)

Get asset information

julia> get_info("AAPL")
# 1-element Vector{AssetInfo}:
 AssetInfo("AAPL", "USD", "Apple Inc", "Common Stock", "NASDAQ", "USA", "Electronic Computers", "Technology", missing, missing)

julia> get_info(["AAPL", "MSFT"])
# 2-element Vector{AssetInfo}:
 AssetInfo("MSFT", "USD", "Microsoft Corporation", "Common Stock", "NASDAQ", "USA", "Services-Prepackaged Software", "Technology", missing, missing)
 AssetInfo("AAPL", "USD", "Apple Inc", "Common Stock", "NASDAQ", "USA", "Electronic Computers", "Technology", missing, missing)

Get exchange rates

# Same API as get_price. the symbol needs to be a currency pair like $base/$quote,
# each consisting of exactly 3 characters.
julia> ref_date = Date("2022-02-18")
julia> get_exchange_rate("EUR/USD", from=ref_date-Day(1), to=ref_date)
# 3-element Vector{ExchangeRate}:
 ExchangeRate("EUR", "USD", Date("2022-02-18"), 1.13203)
 ExchangeRate("EUR", "USD", Date("2022-02-17"), 1.13592)
julia> get_exchange_rate(["EUR/USD", "USD/CAD"], from=ref_date-Day(1), to=ref_date)
# 4-element Vector{ExchangeRate}:
 ExchangeRate("EUR", "USD", Date("2022-02-18"), 1.13203)
 ExchangeRate("EUR", "USD", Date("2022-02-17"), 1.13592)
 ExchangeRate("USD", "CAD", Date("2022-02-18"), 1.2748)
 ExchangeRate("USD", "CAD", Date("2022-02-17"), 1.2707)
# Also works with []Tuple{String, Date} or []Tuple{String, Date, Date}
  ("EUR/USD", Date("2022-02-15"), Date("2022-02-16")),
  ("USD/CAD", Date("2022-02-14"), Date("2022-02-15")),
# 4-element Vector{ExchangeRate}:

Get financial statements

symbol, from_date = "AAPL", Date("2020-01-01")
financials = Dict()
financials[:balance_sheet] = get_balance_sheet(symbol; from=from_date)
financials[:income_statement] = get_income_statement(symbol; from=from_date)
financials[:cashflow_statement] = get_cashflow_statement(symbol; from=from_date)
financials[:earnings] = get_earnings(symbol; from=from_date)

julia> map(x -> (, x.total_revenue, x.net_income), financials[:income_statement])
# 10-element Vector{Tuple{Date, Int64, Int64}}:
 (Date("2021-09-30"), 363172000000, 94680000000)
 (Date("2020-09-30"), 271642000000, 57411000000)
 (Date("2021-12-31"), 123251000000, 34630000000)

julia> financials[:balance_sheet][1:2]
# 6-element Vector{BalanceSheet}:
 BalanceSheet("AAPL", "yearly", Date("2021-09-25"), "USD", 351002000000, 287912000000, 63090000000, 34940000000, 51506000000, 6580000000, 27699000000, 14111000000, 134836000000, 49527000000, missing, 127877000000, missing, missing, 54763000000, missing, missing, 53577000000, 125481000000, missing, missing, missing, 109106000000, missing, missing, missing, 0, 5562000000, 57365000000, missing)
 BalanceSheet("AAPL", "yearly", Date("2020-09-26"), "USD", 323888000000, 258549000000, 65339000000, 38016000000, 37445000000, 4061000000, 52927000000, 11264000000, 143713000000, 45336000000, missing, 100887000000, missing, missing, 42296000000, missing, missing, 47867000000, 105392000000, missing, missing, missing, 98667000000, missing, missing, missing, 0, 14966000000, 50779000000, missing)

julia> financials[:earnings] |> data -> filter(x -> x.frequency == "quarterly", data)
# 4-element Vector{Earnings}:
 Earnings("AAPL", "quarterly", Date("2021-09-30"), "USD", Float16(1.24), Float16(1.24))
 Earnings("AAPL", "quarterly", Date("2021-12-31"), "USD", Float16(2.1), Float16(1.89))
 Earnings("AAPL", "quarterly", Date("2022-03-31"), "USD", Float16(1.52), Float16(1.43))
 Earnings("AAPL", "quarterly", Date("2022-06-30"), "USD", Float16(1.2), Float16(1.16))

symbol, from_date = "AAPL", Date("2020-01-01")
financials = Dict()
financials[:balance_sheet] = get_balance_sheet(symbol; from=from_date)
financials[:income_statement] = get_income_statement(symbol; from=from_date)
financials[:cashflow_statement] = get_cashflow_statement(symbol; from=from_date)
financials[:earnings] = get_earnings(symbol; from=from_date)

Tables.j; integration

All types inheriting from AbstractStonksRecord can be converted to a Tables.jl interface of named tuples, using to_table. Types from the original model are persisted. Currently only tested with flat data types.

julia> data
# 4-element Vector{AssetPrice}:
 AssetPrice("MSFT", Date("2022-02-23"), 280.27, 290.18, 291.7, 280.1, missing, 37811167)
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-23"), 160.07, 165.54, 166.15, 159.75, missing, 90009247)
julia> data |> to_table
  symbol = ["MSFT", "MSFT", "AAPL", "AAPL"], 
  date = [Date("2022-02-23"), Date("2022-02-22"), Date("2022-02-23"), Date("2022-02-22")],
  close = [280.27, 287.72, 160.07, 164.32], 
  open = Union{Missing, Float64}[290.18, 285.0, 165.54, 164.98], 
  high = Union{Missing, Float64}[291.7, 291.54, 166.15, 166.69], 
  low = Union{Missing, Float64}[280.1, 284.5, 159.75, 162.15], 
  close_adjusted = Union{Missing, Float64}[missing, missing, missing, missing], 
  volume = Union{Missing, Integer}[37811167, 41569319, 90009247, 90457637]

Persisting data

Using a FileStore, you can easily persist and incrementaly update data having at least one identifier and one time dimension. Default file format is CSV, but you can plug in any format you wish. See example for custom file formats.

using Chain, Dates
using Stonks

dest = joinpath(@__DIR__, "data/prices")
ds = FileStore{AssetPrice}(; path=dest, ids=[:symbol], partitions=[:symbol], time_column="date")
d_end = Date("2022-03-06")

symbols = ["AAPL", "MSFT"]
data = get_price(symbols; from=d_end-Day(7), to=d_end-Day(5))

save(ds, data)
["symbol=AAPL", "symbol=MSFT"] #data stored in partitions

load(ds)[1:2] # types are persisted
# 2-element Vector{AssetPrice}:
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-03-01"), 163.2, 164.695, 166.6, 161.97, missing, 83474425)
 AssetPrice("AAPL", Date("2022-02-28"), 165.12, 163.06, 165.42, 162.43, missing, 95056629)

show_stats(ds) = @chain load(ds) begin  
  Stonks.groupby(_, [:symbol]) 
  Stonks.aggregate(_, [
    :date => maximum => :date_max,
    :date => minimum => :date_min,
    :symbol => length => :count

NamedTuple{(:symbol, :date_max, :date_min, :symbols), Tuple{String, Date, Date, Int64}}[
  (symbol = "AAPL", date_max = Date("2022-03-01"), date_min = Date("2022-02-28"), count = 2),
  (symbol = "MSFT", date_max = Date("2022-03-01"), date_min = Date("2022-02-28"), count = 2)

# to is optional, defaults to latest workday. here, we need it for reproductible results.
update(ds; to=d_end)
# d_end (2022-03-06) is a Sunday, so the latest available data is from a Friday (2022-03-04).
NamedTuple{(:symbol, :date_max, :date_min, :symbols), Tuple{String, Date, Date, Int64}}[
  (symbol = "AAPL", date_max = Date("2022-03-04"), date_min = Date("2022-03-02"), count = 3),
  (symbol = "MSFT", date_max = Date("2022-03-04"), date_min = Date("2022-03-02"), count = 3)

d_start = d_end - Day(7)
# we add 2 new stocks to our store.
update(ds, [("IBM", d_start, d_end), ("AMD", d_start, d_end)], to=d_end)
NamedTuple{(:symbol, :date_max, :date_min, :symbols), Tuple{String, Date, Date, Int64}}[
  (symbol = "AAPL", date_max = Date("2022-03-04"), date_min = Date("2022-03-02"), count = 3), 
  (symbol = "IBM", date_max = Date("2022-03-04"), date_min = Date("2022-02-28"), count = 5), 
  (symbol = "MSFT", date_max = Date("2022-03-04"), date_min = Date("2022-03-02"), count = 3),
  (symbol = "AMD", date_max = Date("2022-03-04"), date_min = Date("2022-02-28"), count = 5)
# update(ds, ["IBM", "AMD"]) - will include data since earliest available
# update(ds, vcat(symbols, ["IBM", "AMD"])) - will also update the existing symbols, 
# if there is new data